On Social Media

'on' series

On the 1st October 2021, I decided to try something I’ve been meaning to do a long time; to delete all of my social media apps, and go a month without. I said it was part of the great ‘Stoptober’ event, that thing in which people decide to give up smoking, or chocolate, or something else highly addictive, but for me it was simply, a few apps. 30 days later and I’m sat here wondering if I actually learnt anything. The last few weeks were largely predictable. I missed a lot of birthdays (some very close friends too), I stared at my phone’s home screen blankly for far longer than I should have and I, at times felt irrelevant in the world, like I knew I would. But was I happier in life? Calmer? More liberated? I still don’t know.

The internet and social media (where it spreads) is a horrible place at the minute, isn’t it? In the last few years alone we’ve had the rise of Trumpism, a disastrous Brexit decision and now the Covid pandemic, which has seen a ridiculous amount of misinformation shared across the globe (exactly the reason why the WHO put ‘the spreading of misinformation on the internet’ in their top 10 ‘threats to humanity’ only a few years ago). A decade ago, a younger naïve me seen the rise of technology and the ability to receive actual live news through apps like twitter as a new, exciting thing that was going to revolutionise the way people got access to ‘the truth’. But very quickly, this has been hijacked by the right, and turned against those seeking social progress. It’s got so bad that it’s hard to know what’s ‘true’ any more on the internet.

Quitting though, I thought would be harder than it sounds, mostly because I’ve always had this fear that if I disappeared from the internet completely, people would forget about me (which is pure ego, I know). But the last 30 days haven’t been that bad. OK there’s been moments where I’ve felt like I’ve been missing out, there’s been moments where I read something, or watched something great (like MAID, one of the most important TV series released this year) and been frustrated that I haven’t been able to share anything about it, and at times I’ve felt ‘lonely’ and ‘unimportant’. But if I’m totally honest, nothing changed in those 30 days I was ‘offline’. I still spoke with friends daily (via whatsapp and messenger), I still got all the news I needed (which is very little) via TV and one newspaper website, and I still went to work, had a holiday, lived life as normal. The only thing I didn’t do was crane my neck a few times a day to ‘scroll’.

WIBD – June & July 2018

film, music, what I've been doing

What I’ve been doing:

Combining the months June and July cause why the hell not. The reality is I just forgot to write at the end of June and then went away at the beginning of this month, so really haven’t had the time. Anyway, what I’ve been up to…

June seems so far away now. And in just a few days it’s August, which is practically the end of the year. Where do the months go? The heat has been absolutely crazy, especially near mine where I’ve seen moorland fires that just wouldn’t go out. Helicopters out every night carrying water to and from the Reservoirs, and now we have a water shortage and a hosepipe ban coming up. The reservoirs has almost dried up, and the small rivers that run through my village are empty. I’m not enjoying it I’ll be honest.

What’s worse is that in June I managed to watch Before the Flood which is a documentary on climate change fronted by Leonardo diCaprio. It turns out the guy has been interested in science all his life, and I’d place a bet that if he wasn’t so good looking and a great actor, he’d be in a science lab for a living. The documentary is absolutely terrifying. I won’t lecture you on it, I’ll just ask that you watch it, it’s on Netflix and it should 100% be watched by every single human on the planet. When it finished, me and my partner sat there looking at each other, like, we’re fucked. And then this heat wave began and is still going.

WIBD – May 2018

film, music, what I've been doing

What I’ve been doing:

It’s a miracle that I’m actually writing this thing on time. Just so happens that the end of May (first day of June) also coincides with my first Friday out of the office in some time, so here I am, writing about May.

Well first of all, I’ve kept meaning to write about something but constantly forgetting. It’s about meat, and how I gave it up just over a year ago. The reason I want to mention it is because it’s been so easy. I still eat fish, which I’ll explain why in a minute, but sometime around March 2017 I was walking up near a farm not far from our house. There were 2 or 3 big black cows stood right next to the fence, and naturally I went over to greet them and stuck my hand out towards one of them. One of the cows flinched, and then slowly came towards my hand before sticking out its tongue and giving me a lick. Well it must have played on my mind because that night I decided to give up meat.

Over a year later, and to my knowledge no meat has entered my system. What has? Well, vegetables, salads, and plenty of meat substitutes. I’d say giving up meat has been the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life, and I tell people that in the hope that they’ll too give it a try, but honestly, I couldn’t care less whether people eat meat or not. So fish, why do I eat fish? Because I’m a big weirdo that thinks a) fish are ugly and b) that we’re meant to eat them. They’re a totally different species in my mind, I think I could kill a fish and ask forgiveness and the fish would be like, it’s ok, it’s what’s meant to happen. So there you are.

WIBD – April 2018

film, music, what I've been doing

What I’ve been doing:

Only gone and done it again haven’t I? It’s mid-March as I sit here and write this, and I have to scratch my head and look through my iphone’s photos to figure out what I’ve done recently. The reason I’m so late? I’ve worked a heck of a lot, and on the weekends we’ve been out walking.

The biggest of which was a walk from ours over to a place called Crowden. We knew this place from having driven there last year, and then when I was looking on Google maps a few days later, I noticed it was walkable from Dove Stones reservoir. So walk it we did, and we almost gave up halfway. It was a lot further than we thought, and we lunched way too early (Natalia and me) so that when we actually got to the campsite (that’s literally all there is there) we were knackered. But rather than face public transport and get home even later, we soldiered on, and it felt great getting in knowing we’d achieved it. Sore feet the next day though.

The two days before that I’d been walking around our area with my camera. The idea was to go up to the farms behind Pots & Pans (a local hill) and try to photograph some Curlew and Lapwing that always nest up there at this time of year. I got a few pics, but none of them were excellent. I did see a few great birds and animals though, including a Sparrowhawk fighting with a Thrush, and a Roe deer standing in the cemetery. Some pics can be seen here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BhR_UX4BbcF/?taken-by=mgmckenny

WIBD – March 2018

film, music, what I've been doing

What I’ve been doing:

The month got off to a bang, in the sense that I literally walked into a lamppost walking through Manchester City centre. And to this day, a month later, I’m still treating lampposts like they’re out to get me. The reality is I should just stop looking up at buildings when I’m walking… Anyway, after a day or two I felt better, although every silly mistake I made the following week got blamed on the bang.

We had more snow. Literally, every time I write that, more comes. What it meant this month was that my family couldn’t visit, but that wasn’t going to happen anyway as some rats had got inside my dad’s car and chewed his engine to pieces. Yes, this happened. So instead of spending a weekend of Hygge with my family, me and Nat (my partner) went walking around our area. One thing I’ve noticed already is how much easier long walks are becoming since joining the gym. My breathing has improved a lot.

Work started to settle down somewhat. When I joined there were literally 10-20 massive jobs that had been ongoing since the end of last year. We’ve been able to sort most of those out, bit by bit, but it’s been hard work and exhausting. I never knew when I changed jobs that I’d be coming home and lying in bed at night worrying about the amounts of work I had, but towards the end of the month things started to settle down and I’m looking forward to April (already halfway through it now of course as I’m late writing this thing).

WIBD – February 2018

film, what I've been doing

What I’ve been doing:

Well for the last few days, like all I imagine, I’ve been tackling this snow and trying to get me and my partner to work and back. Tuesday was tough, Wednesday was worse, Thursday was impossible. Today is Friday, which means my day off, so I’m sat here with the heating on full, looking back on February.

Definitely the biggest thing that’s happened this month has been a change of jobs. After leaving Big Art and Banners (a printing company where I’d been for the last 2 and a half years) I’ve moved to another printers a bit closer to home. It’s been a bit of a struggle so far. There is so much to be done there, and I’m not exactly doing the role I was hired for, but I’m sticking with it and can hopefully see it through. A lot of people have asked me if I regret leaving my old workplace, the answer is always a firm no.

As well as starting a new job, I’ve also joined my local gym. I think to date, I’ve only been 5/6 times, but I definitely enjoy it, and hopefully when the weather brightens up a bit I’ll go more often. I joined because I simply wanted to get fit. I don’t want a fat neck and I don’t want massive arms. It would be wasted on me anyway, sat at a desk all day operating a mouse and keyboard… But it’s important to stay sharp. It’s also been helping me a lot with all the changes going on in my life. Remember Frank Underwood on the rowing machine in House of Cards? That’s me at the gym.

WIBD – January 2018

film, what I've been doing

What I’ve been doing:

Those familiar with this blog will notice I’ve changed the layout and one further thing I wanted to try in 2018 was a new monthly blog format. The idea is to write briefly about the month just passed, in the hope that people will comment/reflect on it and a conversation can begin.

This month, the first of a new year, I decided straight away that I wanted to change a few things in my life. Well, I’d already decided on a job change, and before Christmas I had an interview at another printers. On the 2nd of January I received a call saying that I’d got the job. I accepted and handed my notice in straight away which felt great. I’ve said I’ll write about that job and how it ended in more detail someday, and I will, just not now. The good thing is that I’m out of there and off to pastures new.

I’ve also been looking for a new place to live. We love our current flat but unfortunately a local cricket club acts like a pub/club/band practice arena and our sleep and simple home comfort is being disturbed. It’s really frustrating because if it wasn’t for that, the flat would be perfect and we’d stay a long time. But as it is, I need to get out. My ears can’t stand any more bass guitar. Hopefully something will pop up soon and we’ll rent a van to move all our stuff. I’m certainly not moving house in the back of a Corsa again.

On Driving:

'on' series

Yesterday I drove to Halfords to pick up some headlights for our car, after 2 of the 4 had decided to pack in, inconveniently just a week after getting our MOT… Anyway on my way out of their small car park, I reversed back and noticed a car wanting to come in. Being mid-manoeuvre, I thought it best I get out of their way, so I reversed further, angling the car so they’d have room to get through. This didn’t seem good enough for the owner of the other car though, who decided to drive fast, right up to mine, leaving a gap of 1cm between us. Confused, I continued with my move and as our cars past each other parallel, I looked in and seen a chubby, angry face mouthing words at me. My body reacted and I mouthed some crude words back at him. He sped off, and I left the car park not angry, just totally perplexed.

As I drove to my girlfriend’s work, it reminded me of a similar situation that happened more or less a year ago. I was coming out of our local Tesco on a busy Sunday, and being new to driving, I didn’t yet know how big my car was. I ended up doing a manoeuvre in 4 moves rather than 2, and as I drove past the car waiting to come in I put my hand up apologetically. As our cars passed however, I looked in at the driver and he had this tutting look on his face. Like, how dare you take up 10 seconds of my life?! Wow. I flipped. Beeping and swearing, I only confused other drivers around me whilst Mr Important drove off and pulled up in a space right outside the shop. I drove home enraged and sat on my sofa wanting to smash the glass table in front of me. Embarrassing right?

I like to think that since then I’ve calmed down a lot. In fact, I’ve realised I only seem to get road rage when people have it with me. If I’m driving and someone around me does something silly, for example, pulls out on me, it annoys me a little, but I certainly don’t get angry. They could be a new driver/elderly, they could have kids in the car, they could be going through a family illness and not thinking straight. However, if I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong, and someone beeps me or visibly gets angry at me, I can’t help but get mad. After all, who are they to tell me how I should/shouldn’t drive?

Film 2017: Best 5


As you might have seen, I’ve been keeping a diary of the films I’ve been able to watch this year, as well as giving them a rating out of 10. Recently I’ve been using a couple of apps to help me keep track of everything, but I’ve still enjoyed updating this blog every once in a while. In total, I managed to watch 101 films in 2017. There might have been more, but if so I’ve forgotten them, so they can’t have been much good. From the 101 films I watched, below is a brief summary of the top 5 of the year. These were my top 5 watches of the year. The ones that made most of an impact on me. The full film list can be found here: https://markmckenny.wordpress.com/2017/01/05/films-2017/

1) La La Land (Dir. Damien Chazelle, 2016) – 9/10
I went to see this in the cinema not long after it had been released and I was blown away. I’m a huge fan of Whiplash so I knew what Chazelle had to offer, but again it took me by complete surprise and I left the cinema feeling emotionally charged. You know you’ve seen a good film when you wake up the next morning, and it’s there on your mind, and that’s exactly what happened with La La Land. Added to the fact I couldn’t get the main song out of my head for days afterwards… I’ve heard a lot of people say no to this film after being told it’s a musical, but it’s so much more than a musical, and once you pass the first 5 minutes (which perhaps are a little cheesy…) you’re in for a treat. Gosling is brilliant in it. I’m not a huge fan of Emma Stone but she was great also. Definitely one of my favourites this year.

2) The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner (Dir. Werner Herzog, 1974) – 8/10
I made a plan to watch each and every work of Werner Herzog this year. Of course, I didn’t get round to finishing it, but one of the ones I watched during that state of mind was this, a short documentary on a ski-jumper named Walter Steiner. It’s one of Herzog’s earlier works and the imagery in it has stayed with me all year. Some of the shots are simply majestic. The jumpers fly through the air, faces determined, bodies in line with their skis. This was the old way of jumping, now ski-jumpers point their skis outwards, but Steiner was a traditionalist, and without doubt one of the best of all time. One of the things I enjoyed so much about this was realising how dangerous a sport ski-jumping is, but I learnt why people fall in love with such dangerous hobbies. When they’re doing them, they feel most alive, and I can’t help but admire that courageousness and determination. It’s well worth a watch, only 45 minutes long and I doubt you’ll be able to forget it.

Song of the Month: December 2017


And so another year draws to an end, and I’ve actually stuck to it this year and produced a playlist. As I mentioned in my last post, winter for me is about settling down and prepping yourself for another crack at the whip next year, and for that I need mellow music. Laura Marling is the queen of mellow.

It might seem strange that I’d choose a track from her penultimate album rather than Semper Femina, which came out in March this year. The truth is, I played that album for weeks after purchasing it and loved every track, I just chose other songs for March and April. I bought ‘Short Movie’ (the album on which this track ends) on my birthday this year, and I only got round to playing it one cold December morning on my drive to work.

£3 it cost me, which put me off to be honest. But as soon as I put it in, and heard the opening track ‘Warrior’ playing back at me I knew I was in for an album. It doesn’t disappoint. Each track has something spectacular about it and I’d probably say it’s one of her best. Some tracks are reminiscent of ‘I Speak Because I Can’ which just reminds me of driving on beautiful Welsh roads with my partner last year. It’s such a feel good album, and it was much needed after a frustrating December.